Monday, September 21, 2015

Failure is preventing Skype users make calls – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Failure Skype is preventing users to make calls

Several users of the telephone service and Skype were video online on Monday, September 21, without access to the program and prevented from making and receiving calls. Skype has apologized and says it is working to resolve the problem.

Reuters writes this Monday, September 21, the Skype saw a flaw that makes online phone program settings show that you and other contacts remain offline, preventing users from making calls.

Skype says that messages in chat did not are being delivered and that users who are not authenticated can run into problems when they try to access your account.

In addition to these failures, Skype also says that changes to the accounts may be subject to delays as well as the loading of web pages in the Skype community.

At first, Skype has denied any problems and said the service was not experiencing technical problems. Later, through Twitter, Skype confirmed the problem, apologized to users and said the company is already working to solve the problem.

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