Friday, September 25, 2015

The iPhone 6S is already on sale. Stores the door to the rows mark the day – SAPO Tek

The images conveyed by the agencies, or even for those in the door of a shop, decides to record the moment and share it with the world on social networks show that history repeats itself.

each new release of Apple there are always thousands of people interested in the product come first and that’s why they are willing to spend hours or days outside a store. Fanaticism or marketing? Maybe a little of both, but the truth is that there is everything.

People who a week goes by without budge the queues. People who paid to have someone in line for you. The carrying tents, hammocks and even those who are represented in line for a robot, as we had reported on Thursday.

Asia and Oceania were the first continents to receive the new iPhone, but Sales in Europe have also begun. Here are some of the images that circulate on the Internet from those who have bought, or movement announcing the opening of doors very soon.

The forecasts from Apple for sales of the new model could not be more optimistic but if the queues are an indicator, it is fair to say that we have seen more people waiting for these gadgets.

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