For weeks now there are rumors that Microsoft will take your next event to present new Lumia portfolio and strengthen the brand smartphones. First there was talk in two models. Later it began to be referred to a third party and the Word PC now had access to a report that supports the hypothesis that the manufacturer has in the pipeline a fourth model. Everything to launch before Christmas, the time of the court purchases.
The supposed model room will have a 5-inch screen (720 pixels). It is referred to in the AdDuplex report, but the company itself leaves no doubt of the date of presentation of the model, since this event or only later. Only ensures that Microsoft is working on it.
The same document gives more details about another possible model to be launched at the scheduled event by Microsoft to October 6 in New York. The Lumia 550, which other sources had already joined the new list and allegedly will feature a 4.7-inch screen (720 pixels), will also have 1GB of RAM and a Snapdragon processor 1.2 GHz.
What other rumors already guaranteed?
In the pipeline, to present at the same time, may be a new Lumia 950 XL with 5.7 inch screen (with 2560×1440 pixels), 3GB of RAM, an internal memory of 32GB and a 20 megapixel camera. The processor will be a Snapdragon.
The same talk show that will also be made known at the same time a smaller version of the model (the Lumia 950) that share some of the characteristics of the “little brother”, but counting with a 5.2-inch screen (with 2560×1440 pixels).
The TeK had indeed written about both models and shared the images circulating on the Internet of the alleged new devices.
In the same news we gave account of another rumor that has arisen with insistence on the news that Microsoft may have to present and pointing to a new Surface Pro 4.
The report that the AdDuplex released today also shows how to divide the penetration of Windows Phone by equipment on the market today, numbers are still not bright and pressing Microsoft to enhance the supply of hardware. It is a table.
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