Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook will create button to express emotions – Terra Brazil

The founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said on Tuesday that the social network is developing an option that allows users to express their emotions, in addition to the option “like”.

Zuckerberg made the announcement during a session of questions and answers at the company’s headquarters in Menlo Park (California).

Facebook has always resisted the idea of ​​creating a button “does not like” to follow the popular “like” the fear of generating discontent in the social network.

However, Zuckerberg was open to create new options before the requests from users who claim that the “like” can not be used in all situations.

“It’s important to give people more options to help them to express empathy,” said today Zuckerberg, who acknowledged that “not all times are good times.”

Zuckerberg anticipated that the release will be announced soon, but considered unlikely that the option name is “do not like”.

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