Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A fifth of institutionalized children have disabilities – Daily News – Lisbon

One in five institutionalized children has some form of signed disability, a number that may be undervalued, and there is an appropriate response to these minors or their families, according to a study commissioned by the European Parliament.

The study, Observatory responsibility of Disability and Human Rights (ODDH) was requested by the European Parliament to Portugal and the other Member States to meet and assess the policies of each country for children with disabilities.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, the coordinator of the study pointed out that the work revealed a certain “concern” related to the care of children and youth at risk, and there is “a very high percentage” has shortcomings already identified.

“About one-fifth, or 20% of all children who were institutionalized in 2013 had some form of signed disabilities and experts report that this number may be undervalued, so we know that will be more, “said Paula Pinto fields.

According to the official, the number of children and young people with any disability and who are institutionalized may be even higher because” some psychosocial problems are difficult to diagnose and remain unknown “.

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