Thursday, September 17, 2015

Flickr want to encourage photos at 360 ° with augmented reality glasses – Good info (press release) (Blog)

September 15, 2015 15: 20h Technology

Flickr plans to implement support for virtual reality in their photo galleries 360 °. During an art and technology festival held on Saturday (12) and Sunday (13) in Portland, in the United States, the social network developers presented a new way of viewing images on the platform with a developer version of the now famous Oculus VR .

Google and GoPro present Odyssey camera, which produces content in 360

According to Engadget, the novelty is still developing, but already allows users to explore photographs in 360 degrees naturally from a virtual reality headset.

Bertrand Fan, project developer, said the plan is to add a button on every page of Flickr that contains a photo 360 degrees. With this, users who have a virtual reality headset at home can explore the content more immersive way. According to Bertrand, the first versions support will arrive in early 2016.

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The programmer also states that the application of support virtual reality headsets on Flickr can go far beyond simple images stored in the viewing platform.

According to

Bertrand Fan in the future, you can use the highly immersive user experience provided by this type of accessory to navigate through the gallery, organize photos and albums.

Via Engadget


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