Saturday, September 12, 2015

PJ warns of increase in crimes with sextortion on social networks – publico





The Judiciary Police warned on Friday for the “significant increase” in complaints by wanton killings of privacy and extortion associated with the use of social networks, appealing to users so they do not expose level “intimate and sexual” .


                          The criminal investigation coordinator at Drive Nacion al Cybercrime PJ, Carlos Goatherd, said the PUBLIC that between June and August this year “there was a boom with 50 complaints to the police registered in this context only in the Lisbon region.” That was the reason, said the official, who led the PJ to publicize this alert. “These issues are always dealt with the computer level and that’s how we see this increase in the last three months. Really these crimes are increasingly common. We concluded it was best to disclose and prevent,” he added Carlos Goatherd.

Asked about the complaints numbers in previous years, for comparison purposes, the coordinator of the PJ, admitted that the police have not yet this data and stressed that “in the other parts of the country the increase in complaints should be follow the increase recorded in Lisbon “

In a statement to the PJ that warns that criminal procedure, which is known as sextortion -. a form of exploitation sexual using non-physical forms of coercion to extort sexual favors to the victim – the police “alert and calls” users a webcam to adopt a “prudent” stance so as not to have serious consequences wanton personal life and professional and victimization in terms of extortion and humiliation.

That police still warns that there is a minimum age for use of social networks and the fact that minors are to be warned of the misuse of these networks consequences.

The situations referred by sextortion occur when users, adults or minors, accept sharing communications video with intimate exposure and sexual function a social network.

In doing so, they risk becoming victims of extortion by criminals who request them large amounts of payments for the videos or dressed images of obtaining non disclosed on the Internet or shared by “friends” of the social network said the document PJ.

The PJ adds it a crime transnational contours with an “erosion” effect on public confidence in the internet network structures and a “highly devastating psychological effect on the victims.” Lusa



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