Friday, September 11, 2015

Judicial alert surfers to increased cases of “sextorsion” – Renaissance

The Judiciary Police (PJ) launches a warning, after the last few months have increased significantly the number of cases of “sextorsion”, ie the extortion crime that originates in sharing intimate images across networks social.

The size of the problem justifies the public warning. Just this summer, the PJ opened 50 investigations the wanton killings of privacy and extortion, all linked to the Internet.

In Portuguese or something, mostly originating from women seeking male friends in social networks, chat pulls conversation, the aim is that it comes to sharing images.

“After gaining confidence with a conversation, it makes it appeal to the person, for example, use of the social networks that allows video and starts to be a supposed interaction, where there is an even greater wanton a climb in the statement of intimacy and sexual acts, “says ultimately responsible for combating Judiciary of computer crime.

Speaking to Renaissance , Carlos Goatherd explained that the scheme a bit is being investigated throughout Europe.

After the images obtained, followed by extortion: the requirement for payments to prevent its spread.

“are commonly used rapid means of payment and do not provide, first, a clear identification of its owner. Typically, the initial request can be 500 euros, could rise to 1,000. We have had situations where there was an initial payment and because they realize this possibility of payment, requested new amounts, “said Carlos Goatherd.

The Judiciary has this time 50 complaints for investigation, and in either case the threat of spreading the images was even fulfilled.

The head of the Judiciary for combating computer crime says there are basic precautions that can not be forgotten.

“The basic rule here is that there should be this intimate and sexual exposure of users should be suspicious of the possibility of someone being in watching this illegally. When we are talking about minors, the board will also for the perception of parents that social networks have a minimum age for membership and that the use made of them is to be preceded these warnings, “said Carlos Goatherd.

For now, the Judicial Police has not yet made any arrest in the country. While investigating, asks Internet users who use all prudence.


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