The Government today announced the extension of the deadline for applications until October 10, the program resume, to support the re-entry into higher education, and will ask the institutions to personally invite their alumni to that return.
“We decided and we will make an order accordingly, extend the application deadline of July 31, which would be today until October 10. Students can return to higher education and express Resume your application to the program until October 10, covering the entire period of enrollment and registration, “said today Lusa Secretary of State for Higher Education, José Ferreira Gomes.
The official was speaking at the end a meeting with academic associations of higher education, which met this afternoon at the Palace of Laranjeiras in Lisbon to take stock of four years of legislature, which considered “very positive”, and to meet the document ‘Towards a future path -. the Associative Movement Government Program for Student Legislature XIII “, which contains the proposals of students for higher education, for years to come
In addition to extending the deadline for applications to Resume, program extended to October 10 not only for the next school year, but permanently, meeting the demands of the students recently expressed in an open letter to Ferreira Gomes, was also raised that the higher education institutions will be invited to be actively involved in the dissemination of this program with alumni who have not completed the courses and who are in a situation of unemployment.
“We will send a letter, combined with the students associations, deans and Presidents of polytechnics, to announce the extension and to reinforce the idea that it would be important that the level of greater proximity to the student, the institution to identify students who disappeared from the records, which apparently abandoned in recent years and can invite personally to return, “he told Lusa the Higher Education Secretary of State.
At the exit meeting, Carlos Vine, Academic at the University of Minho Association, expressed the satisfaction of the students with the host Government to student proposals, noting that at this time the number of applications to Resume program is between 400 and 500, similar to what happened around the same time last year, and it is not possible to estimate the impact that the extension of the deadline will have on increasing candidates, as this will depend on the disclosure that institutions may make this support to alumni.
Ferreira Gomes said that still can not make a program the balance sheet, implemented in the school year that ends now and that you must wait for the end of
“Our institutions do not always do a good job there, can not always personally monitor each student. [...] I need to do a job so that students do not feel loose, lost. Abandonment is especially true in the 1st year, because the student feels lost, “said the secretary of state.
The Resume program intended to support the return of students under 30 years of higher education.
The conditions of access mean that students have less than 30 years and are able to finish the course before reaching that age, but which are unable to bear the costs.
For this program, sponsored by the MEC and the Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security, was established a limit of three thousand annual scholarships, worth 1,200 euros each, roughly the value of the maximum fee in effect.
Applications are made through the portal of the General Directorate of Higher Education (Higher Education Department)
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