Friday, July 31, 2015

Higher Education: Deadline for applications to the program Resume extended to 10 October – Digital Journal

 The Government today announced the extension of the deadline for applications until October 10, the program resume, to support the re-entry into higher education, and will ask the institutions to personally invite their alumni to that return.

“We decided and we will make an order accordingly, extend the application deadline of July 31, which would be today until October 10. Students can return to higher education and express Resume your application to the program until October 10, covering the entire period of enrollment and registration, “said today Lusa Secretary of State for Higher Education, José Ferreira Gomes.

The official was speaking at the end a meeting with academic associations of higher education, which met this afternoon at the Palace of Laranjeiras in Lisbon to take stock of four years of legislature, which considered “very positive”, and to meet the document ‘Towards a future path -. the Associative Movement Government Program for Student Legislature XIII “, which contains the proposals of students for higher education, for years to come

In addition to extending the deadline for applications to Resume, program extended to October 10 not only for the next school year, but permanently, meeting the demands of the students recently expressed in an open letter to Ferreira Gomes, was also raised that the higher education institutions will be invited to be actively involved in the dissemination of this program with alumni who have not completed the courses and who are in a situation of unemployment.

“We will send a letter, combined with the students associations, deans and Presidents of polytechnics, to announce the extension and to reinforce the idea that it would be important that the level of greater proximity to the student, the institution to identify students who disappeared from the records, which apparently abandoned in recent years and can invite personally to return, “he told Lusa the Higher Education Secretary of State.

At the exit meeting, Carlos Vine, Academic at the University of Minho Association, expressed the satisfaction of the students with the host Government to student proposals, noting that at this time the number of applications to Resume program is between 400 and 500, similar to what happened around the same time last year, and it is not possible to estimate the impact that the extension of the deadline will have on increasing candidates, as this will depend on the disclosure that institutions may make this support to alumni.

Ferreira Gomes said that still can not make a program the balance sheet, implemented in the school year that ends now and that you must wait for the end of

the cycle of students who rejoined in order to assess its success, the degree of ‘re-abandonment’, if any, and what was the support given by the institutions to students, one of the aspects in the Regulation the Resume, which defines a “stimulus” of 300 euros to give to universities and polytechnics for monitoring given to students.

“Our institutions do not always do a good job there, can not always personally monitor each student. [...] I need to do a job so that students do not feel loose, lost. Abandonment is especially true in the 1st year, because the student feels lost, “said the secretary of state.

The Resume program intended to support the return of students under 30 years of higher education.

The conditions of access mean that students have less than 30 years and are able to finish the course before reaching that age, but which are unable to bear the costs.

For this program, sponsored by the MEC and the Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security, was established a limit of three thousand annual scholarships, worth 1,200 euros each, roughly the value of the maximum fee in effect.

Applications are made through the portal of the General Directorate of Higher Education (Higher Education Department)

Digital Diary with Lusa

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For over 10,000 candidates for higher than in 2014, within two weeks of application – Digital Journal

After nearly two weeks of application to higher education for well over 10 000 candidates than in the same period 2014, with 35 123 applications to the Directorate-General for Education Superior (Higher Education Department), delivered by the end of Thursday.

about a week the deadline for applications for the first phase of the national competition for access to higher education, the number of candidates is has about seven thousand total applications registered in 2014, when 42,455 students competed to higher education at this stage.

In comparison to the same period, the number of applications this year is higher by almost 10,000 records : in 11 days have applied this year 35,123 students, from 25,426 in 2014

The first phase of access to higher education took off on 20 July with 50,555 places available to 1,048 courses in public universities and polytechnics. , starting with the submission of applications through the portal of DGES.

The application process runs until August 7, and the tender results will be released a month later, to September 7, the portal the DGES.

According to the data provided by the Higher Education Department, this year there are 265 fewer vacancies in public higher education in the first phase of the national access competition, face to 50,820 in 2014, a reduction in percentage terms lower 1%.

The number of openings for access to public higher education is in decline since 2012, after in 2011, having reached a peak supply with 53,500 vacancies put to tender.

The fall in the number of vacancies has been accompanied by the fall in the number of candidates, a trend which only showed signs of reversing last year, the first since 2008 to record an increase in applications with 42,455 students trying to access .

higher education in the first phase

Digital Diary with Lusa


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Mark Zuckerberg will be the father of a girl – Daily News – Lisbon

It is not unusual for a CEO of a company like Facebook Unburden how Zuckerberg did, although he is the founder of social network that aims to bring people together. Mark Zuckerberg, 31, announced to the world that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had “exciting news” to reveal, and announced: “We are expecting a baby.” The announcement could have terninado here, but the founder of the social network’s most successful in the world, wanted to share the painful way that he and his wife made until they announce the arrival of her daughter.

“For starters, we share our experience. We were trying to have a child two years ago and suffered three miscarriages during this way. ” He continued: “Most people do not talk about miscarriages, lest their problems divert people or they come up against each other – as if we had any defect or fault in what happened then, we fight alone.”.

And, living up to the motto of the social network he created, Mark Zuckerberg said that in a world “connected” as it is today, “discussing such problems does not remove us, but brings us. fosters understanding and tolerance, and brings us hope. “

After this outburst, the businessman also said that a woman’s pregnancy has already passed the dangerous phase and that the two are hopeful that everything will go goes well. “We look forward to

receiving it. In ulltra-sound she even made me a like by hand, so I know she supports me,” the future father.


Average rate of TAP falls between 8 and 10% in 2014 – Correio da Manhã

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PGR received a letter rogatory to Duarte Lima to be tried for murder in Brazil – Daily News – Lisbon

The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) announced on Friday received the letter rogatory of the Brazilian authorities for the Social Democratic former congressman Duarte Lima is notified to the trial of the murder of Rosalina Ribeiro, occurred in December 2009.

“The request for notification Domingos Duarte Lima, accompanied by craft Federal Public Ministry, dated July 28, 2015, was received by the PGR, by electronic means, on the same date” indicated today the PGR Lusa.

The PGR said that the request for notification will now be “sent to the Central Criminal Instance of Lisbon, to execution.”

Information on submitting the letter rogatory by Brazilian judicial authorities was provided in today’s early hours by “online Sun” and was replicated by the newspaper I which states that Duarte Lima will be notified in the coming days for the trial for the murder of Rosalina Ribeiro, shot dead in December 2009 in Saquarema, on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Rosalina Ribeiro was a millionaire mate Portuguese Lucio Tome Feteira, who died in 2000, and Lima Duarte was his lawyer in a process in the Brazilian courts related to heritage and which also involved the daughter of Portuguese millionaire.

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Facebook loses war on pseudonyms in Germany – publico





The Facebook was banned to prevent their users in Germany using false names as identification when they create their profiles on the social network. The decision was announced by the data protection authority in Hamburg, which found that Facebook can not change the names chosen by users or ask you to move forward with her true identity.


                          The decision is known after the social network have blocked an account created by a woman who used a pseudonym to identify and changed the name in the profile to his real name, says the BBC.

The woman in question, who used a false name to avoid unwanted contacts related to your business, filed a complaint against Facebook and a German court ruled against social network, arguing that the measure taken by the social network violated laws Europe on this issue.

The company has challenged the ruling, considering that the “use of authentic names on Facebook protects the privacy and security of persons, ensuring that users know with whom they do shares or linked “.

This is not the first time that Facebook gets caught up in controversy for not allowing the use of false names to create accounts. In September last year, the social network has suspended “several hundreds” of profiles drag queens , who identified themselves through artistic names, triggering vehement protests of these and other users.

At issue was the use by these users to stage names rather than real names, as required by Facebook in

its rules: “The name utilizares should be your real name as it appears on your credit card in your letter driving or your student card. “

A few days later, the company was forced to back down on its policy of” real name “. “I want to apologize to the affected community of drag queens , drag kings , transgender, and extensive community of our friends, neighbors and members of the LGBT community, the difficulties we have created you over the past weeks to deal with your Facebook accounts, “he wrote at the time the product manager of the company, Chris Cox, a post on Facebook. The official assured that the company would deal with complaints by use of false names “of less abrupt and more thoughtful way.”



Discovered planetary system with three super-Earths – Digital Journal

European Astrónonomos today announced the discovery of a planetary system with three super-Earths orbiting a bright dwarf star, one of which appears to be a planet of molten volcanic rocks.

The system with four planets is in the northern hemisphere constellation of Cassiopeia, having the shape of an M and being 21 light years from Earth, researchers adiantaram the European journal Astronomy & amp; Astrophysics.

This system seems to consist of a giant planet and three super-Earths that are orbiting around a dwarf star, nicknamed HD219134. The super-Earths have been so designated because they have a greater mass than the Earth, but still be lighter than the gaseous planets Neptune, Saturn or Jupiter.

The planet to orbit shorter, HD219134b, is around every three days, having already been observed, the Earth’s point of view, in transit around the sides of your star.

Measurements from the ground, made with the Spitzer Space Telescope NASA showed that its mass is 4.5 times higher and wider than 1.6 the height and width of the Earth’s mass.

“Its mean density is near the Earth’s density, suggesting a similar composition. It is very close to the star. The temperature is about 700 degrees Kelvin. ” (About 427 Celsius), according to the account of a press release from the University of Geneva, where he works the team of astronomers responsible for the research.

So it’s not a habitable zone and would not have water needed for human life.

However, HD219134b is exciting for researchers in the area for being the planet closest to Earth transit, thus providing a rare

opportunity to study further their composition and atmosphere against the cloth . bottom of your star

“These systems are especially interesting in that it allows – through the study – to characterize the planet’s atmosphere, the starlight that passes through the atmosphere,” Udry said co-author report from the University of Geneva

Digital Diary with Lusa

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TB detects almost 500 million in corporate income tax revenue to account – TVI24

The Court of Auditors has detected nearly 500 million in corporate income tax revenue to account in 2013, mainly related to IRC autonomous regions and municipalities spills due to lack of interconnection between the systems of the Tax Authority.

In an audit report to the control of tax revenue on personal income Collective (IRC) released on Thursday, the Court of Auditors has detected 486 million in anomalies in the collection of this tax operations and concluded that “there remains a lack interconnection of systems of the Tax Authority (AT) with accounting revenue in the General State Accounts (CGE) “.

“This lack of interconnection has allowed, inter alia [among other things], the applicant no accounting of tax revenues relative to the autonomous regions (EUR 238 million ) and pour the municipalities (208 million euros in 2013), a procedure that compromises the transparency of budget management and the accuracy of revenue and expenditure entered in CGE, “the Court led by Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.

Despite the “recurring recommendations,” writes the organization, the General Directorate of Budget (DGO) “has not created the conditions for AT show all tax revenues by limiting the registration of extra-budgetary transactions in the accounting system of revenues in the CGE, not allowing, of course, appropriate registration of revenues to deliver to the autonomous regions and municipalities. ”

In view of these findings, the Court recommends that “AT present and run a timetabled plan to implement the interconnection of respective own systems to Revenue Management System (which has been successively postponed, despite their legal requirement since January 1, 2001) “.

The organization also argues that “DGO create the necessary conditions for the AT can register in the system all the revenue that administers (including extraorçamental recipe to deliver to the autonomous regions and municipalities).”

The Court of Justice ruled to six months for those involved in the report (in addition to AT and DGO also

the IGCP and the Ministry of Finance itself) abide by the recommendations or present a justification, in the case of non-compliance, refers to Lusa.

It also decided to lay down some 17,000 euros the amount of the fees payable in equal parts by AT and the IGCP (Management Agency of the Treasury and Public Debt).


Proposed purchase of the New Bank delivered August 7 – publico





The Bank of Portugal (BoP) yesterday announced the expansion of the deadline for submission of final and binding bids for the purchase of the New Bank.


                         According to the statement from the regulator, following “the invitation to the three potential buyers who submitted a binding offer on June 30 to submit a binding revised proposal,” the Bank of Portugal decided to set the date of August 7 to presentation of this proposal. In the race are two Chinese groups, the Fosun (owner of Loyalty) and Angbang, and the US fund Apollo. The New Bank (former BES) had an injection of 4900 million euro, and the idea is to approach as much as possible the sales value to this value.

The BoP stressed that this possibility was already provided for in terms of reference for the third phase of the new sales process Bank, which provided that potential buyers are “invited to submit proposals binding at one or

more successive rounds, there may be room for negotiation and the exclusion of potential buyers.”



Now yes. Trio of ‘Top Gear’ already has a new program – Daily News – Lisbon

Neither the private station ITV, or Netflix. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May signed with the subscription service online Amazon Prime, which will broadcast the new car program trio who presented for 13 years Top Gear .

The confirmation given on Thursday put an end to speculation about the future of three British presenters, almost five months after Clarkson was waived by the BBC after assaulting a colleague of production. In solidarity, Hammond and May decided to leave the franchise the success of the British public station.

The new program, scheduled to debut in 2016, starts recording briefly, with production office of Andy Wilman, who helped create, with the trio of presenters, Top Gear in 2002. Clarkson and company signed a three-year contract format, whose name has not been revealed.

At the BBC, Top Gear continues its course, after last season was withdrawn from the air, after Clarkson aggression episode. The 23rd. season is being recorded by radio host Chris Evans.

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Court of Auditors detects almost 500 ME IRC revenues not accounted for – TSF Online

The audit report to the control of IRC revenue indicates that the management and control of voluntary collection of this tax were generally effective, although it has not provided a full accounting, legal and regular tax, as appropriate.

It also found that there remains a lack of interconnection of the Tax Authority systems with the accounting system revenue in the General State Accounts, in violation of legal norms since 2001.

Court therefore considers that it is more than appropriate for the State, the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Authority to apply,

as public revenues administrators, principles and procedures that became obligatory to taxpayers, particularly with the implementation of e-invoice in a few months, by the essential deem to effective control of these revenues.

The TC also found that this lack of interconnection has allowed the applicant did not accounting for tax revenue on the autonomous regions and municipalities spills (which amounted to about 445 million in 2013), that the audit procedure considers that compromises the transparency of budget management and the accuracy of revenue and expenditure entered in the General State Accounts.

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Facebook forced to allow the use of false names in Germany – Digital Journal

 Facebook was forced to allow their users in Germany adopt pseudonyms on the social network. A woman sought protection body to the country’s privacy because Facebook demanded that she adopt her real name, asked to be identified and changed unilaterally your nickname for the name.

Local authorities understand that none of attitudes for the undertaking and required to review its policy.

The Facebook said he was disappointed with the situation. The company argues that the use of real names protects your privacy and ensures safety to others.

In 2011, the Irish government judged that social networking is right to require real names of users. As the European headquarters of Facebook is in Ireland, the company say that following the decisions of that country throughout Europe, but Germany disagrees. For Germans, anyone who wants to enter the country needs to follow its rules



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Recover points on the driving license will be possible for 35 euros – Daily News – Lisbon

The new letter point system shall enter into force in June 2016, but the driving schools are already preparing training activities that will allow drivers to recover the lost points, preventing the seizure of the driving title.

The course, which according to the Journal News will recover up to 16 points – the ceiling for the new license – is presented on Thursday by the National Industrial Association Automobile driving school (ANIECA). It is an update conductors formation, and the law provides that the frequency of these classes can counteract loss score and hence the driving title. The legislation said that “every period corresponding to the revalidation of the license, without the existence of nature crimes road record is assigned a point to the driver and can not be exceeded the maximum limit of 16, where the driver so voluntary proceed for attending training, according to the rules laid down by regulation. ” This regulation, however, has not yet been made public, which did not prevent the professionals ANIECA already presented its proposal for training.

With just seven hours, the course may be given in one day, “saturdays by example,” said JN Vice President of ANIECA, António Reis. “It will have a nominal value of 35 euros. But we are trying to be at no cost, with the sponsorship of an insurer, to begin in October.” The manual, 50 pages, acts as a guide and given to each student at the beginning of training, which will be taught by “trainers appointed by the schools, but subject to the training plan of ANIECA.”

The scheme the letter points was added at the last minute, says the paper, the possibility of getting bonus points by

attending a training action. The new legal regime comes into force in June 2016, without inheriting the offenses recorded to date, and every driver will be awarded 12 points. For every serious administrative offense loses two, if it is severe loses four. If the violation is to excess alcohol, subtract a point.

Three years without violations, on the other hand, worth three positives.


Court of Auditors detects almost 500 million in IRC to record in 2013 – Daily News – Lisbon

The Court of Auditors has detected nearly 500 million in corporate income tax revenue to account in 2013, mainly related to IRC autonomous regions and municipalities spills due to lack of interconnection between the systems of the Tax Authority.

In an audit report to the control of tax revenue on personal income Collective (IRC) released today, the Court of Auditors has detected 486 million in anomalies in the collection of this tax operations and concluded that “there remains a lack of interconnection of systems Tax Authority (AT) with accounting revenue in the General State Accounts (CGE) “.

” This lack of interconnection has allowed, inter alia [among other things], the applicant did not accounting the revenue from the tax: the autonomous regions (EUR 238 million) and pour the municipalities (EUR 208 million in 2013), a procedure that compromises the transparency of budget management and the accuracy of revenue and expenditure entered in CGE, “he says Court led by Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.

Despite the “recurring recommendations,” writes the organization, the General Directorate of Budget (DGO) “has not created the conditions for AT show all the tax revenues by limiting the registration of extra-budgetary transactions in the accounting system of revenues in the CGE, not allowing, of course, appropriate registration of revenues to deliver to the autonomous regions and municipalities. “

In view of these conclusions , the Court of Auditors recommends that “AT present

and run a timetabled plan to implement the interconnection of respective own systems to Revenue Management System (which has been successively postponed, despite their legal requirement since January 1, 2001) “.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You can now leave a “tutor” to your Facebook account – TVI24

The Contact Legacy or Contact Legacy in Portuguese, is now available in Portugal and elsewhere in Europe. The tool, launched by Facebook in the US in February, allows you to decide what to do with a profile of the social network when you die, including delete it or define a “tutor” to manage the account.

To do this, the user must designate what will be its Contact Legacy , ie the person who will be in charge of managing the account after death. By option available, the largest user of 18 can choose between friends or family members who have Facebook account, who will manage the profile.

To set a “tutor” just add the person concerned in the corresponding option. Access the “<> Settings ” on Facebook and select the “ Security “, then comes the “ Contact Legacy “, here you can choose the “ Account Deletion ” or appoint another Facebook account to manage the page.

The chosen person can schedule a publication in the chronology, meet new friend requests and update your profile photo. However, you can not publish on user or have access to private messages.

Until five months ago, Facebook eliminated to a user account when informed of the death or leaving it intact when it was not alerted of the person’s death.

“So far, when someone died, we offered a basic option of transforming account in a memorial that was visible, but he could not be operated

by anyone. After talking to several people who have suffered the loss of someone, we realize we can do more to help those who mourn and who want to have a say about what happens to your account after death “, announced the Facebook team when it introduced the new option in the US earlier this year.


Government wants to save 50 million euros with state cars – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The Portuguese government plans to save € 50 million by 2020 with the new sustainable mobility program in public administration. This program aims to promote the use of electric car, anticipating so the purchase of 1,200 of these vehicles.

The increase in electric mobility will generate a savings of nine million euros within five years, thus reducing the bill with the combustible . But most of the savings – 29 million euros – will come from an overall management of public fleet by sharing vehicles between departments and ministries. The remaining 12 million euros savings will come from promoting more sustainable driving and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

“The Government looked for electric mobility to reduce dependence on foreign energy to reduce CO2 emissions, to improve the competitiveness by reducing costs, but also as an important element, as in renewable energy, in creating economic activity and employment, “said Environment Minister Jorge Moreira da Silva this Wednesday, July 29.

But to achieve these results, the Government needs to invest 41 million euros. The lion’s share of these investments – 25 million – will go to the purchase of 1,200 electric vehicles and more environmentally friendly cars. The objective is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% of the national fleet.

The current 26,900 vehicles of state car park are aged. The average age is around 14 years, with 63% of these to have more than 13 years

The second largest investment share. – EUR 10.5 million – will be invested in fleet management and shared promoting bicycle use in public administration. The remaining three million euros will be invested in promotion and awareness for a more sustainable driving.

To prepare for the introduction of electric mobility in the state machinery, the Ministry of Environment conducted a

demonstration program level ministerial. The initiative lasted 10 months, a total of 69,000 kilometers, with the minister and the three secretaries of state to move in electric vehicles and hybrid electric.

The findings of this study were presented this fourth -Thurs and point out that the average costs of use of electric vehicles are around 0.02 euros per quilómetro.Ou is, this represents a 80% reduction in energy terms from the average of the current fleet of this Ministry. And a reduction of 64% and 71% compared with a diesel vehicles C and D segments.


Have you decided what will happen to your Facebook account when you die? – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The question may be morbid, but the question is relevant. The Legacy Contact tool will allow you to timely decide what should happen to your digital legacy on Facebook. Launched in February this year, the option is now available in Europe.

The Legacy Contact reached Europe. It is a tool that lets you decide whether your Facebook account should be deleted or assigned to someone you trust to manage in the case of not being able to do, the company said in a statement sent to newsrooms. Contact The Legacy was first launched in the US, and later in Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

If you do not want your account to be simply erased after his death, you can assign management a person you trust.

Once Facebook is informed of the death of the account holder, the respective page is transformed into a kind of memorial account and the person named as responsible for the “digital legacy” may write a publication (tribute or practical information on funeral) on your page, responding to friend requests and update the profile picture and cover. You can not, however, enter the credentials of the deceased, or read private messages.

The Legacy Contact option still allows the account owner to decide whether to give permission to the person in charge of your digital legacy for download a file of photographs, publications and shared profile information on Facebook.

So far, Facebook offered a basic memorial kind of mind that could not be managed by third parties. Now, the company chose to expand the possibilities of this type of accounts and redesigning the pages, so that they begin to have the “Remembering” expression (“In memory of” or “Remembering”, in free translation) over name deceased person.


define what should happen to your Facebook account simply open the “Settings” option, enter “Security” and then choose “Contact Legacy”, the equivalent of “Legacy Contact” in Portuguese.

When you enter, you can choose to eliminate permanently account or set a contact who will be responsible for managing the same in the case of an unfortunate event. After choosing the contact, you can send a message to that person for the report.
