telecommunications services packages already have nearly 3 million subscribers
The number of customers packages of telecommunications services continues to increase and second quarter, growth was 2.2%.
The number of customers of telecommunications services packages increased by 2.5% qoq to around 2.8 million subscribers. YoY growth was 2.2%, according to data advanced by ANACOM.
The regulator detailing that “about 69 100 private households had a package of ‘multiple play’ (more a service) in the period under review, representing an increase of 1.7 percentage points more than in the previous quarter and 6 percentage points more than in the same quarter.
According to ANACOM is estimated that more than half of the families “have a package triple / quadruple / quintuple play” that deliver TV, Internet, landline, mobile phone and mobile internet.
“These represent 79% of total package offers, being the most widely used method among residential customers is the triple play (50.3%), “added the same source. This is the service that aggregates Internet, television, landline.
The package ‘ quadruple play ‘with mobile voice – fixed telephone service, mobile telephone service more, more broadband, more subscription television – has become the second most used mode among residential customers (17.1%), “high-growth by compared with the first quarter, “details the same source.
Revenue from bundled services reached approximately EUR 554 million in the first half of 2014, a figure that represents an increase of 9.9% in terms counterparts.
The average monthly
packages already in triple / quadruple / quintuple play the average monthly revenue per subscriber reached 37.47 Euros (0.9% yoy).
As for market share, the PT Communications is the provider with the largest share of services packet (44.4%), followed by Group In (38.8%), Vodafone (8.6%) and Cabovisão (8.1%).
In terms revenue, it is up to the leadership group In 43.4% of the total. Here are the PTC, with 41.9%; Vodafone with 7.8% and 6.8% with Cabovisão.
ANACOM reiterates that “Vodafone is the provider that has more increased their share packages in recent quarters, either in terms of subscribers (plus 4.3 percentage points yoy) and revenues (up by 3.7 percentage points over the same period). “
And in the second quarter became the leading third party provider packages of services (in number of subscribers and revenues).
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