Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Video: Taxi! You no longer have to struggle for the voice request this service – PT Journal

On Monday PT launched the ‘Meo Taxi’ service that allows you to call a taxi via a smartphone application. Available for iOS and Android devices, the service is free and allows an application running appropriate to each circumstance. For professionals, the ‘Meo Taxi’ makes possible more taxi services and customer loyalty. All through the smartphone.


Want to call a taxi? From this Monday, a new application for your smartphone, called ‘Meo Taxi’ is available.


Launched by PT, for now is only in the cities of Porto and Lisbon, and the operator will expand the number of digital kiosks for the rest of the country.


‘Meo Taxi’ is a service that allows you to make requests for taxi services, without having to spend a penny on telephone calls.


The passenger makes a request via smartphone or tablet, and this pedidoe forwarded to the taxi driver, who also will receive a mobile device.


If the driver accepts the request, the passenger is immediately notified of the movement of the driver and can even, through Meo Taxi, follow the path of the cab on a map.

  This innovative way to put in contact professionals and clients makes the process easier and removes any cost, while facilitating the demand for taxi.

The application – available for iOS and Android – it also allows greater flexibility in choosing the service, specifying the amount of desired places or type of taxi that customer demand


For the professional, the ‘Taxi Meo’ PT has advantages as it

provides a greater number of soliciting business to a new channel, greater security, since taxis have customers who ask to be registered, and enables loyalty customers.


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