Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rui Moreira reaffirms interest of the Port House in STCP – Economic

Elizabeth Felismino

 Rui Moreira reaffirms interest in C & # XE2; mara Port in STCP

Rui Moreira, president of the City Council Porto, reaffirmed yesterday, before an extraordinary meeting of the Municipal Assembly, the intention of the municipality to enter the race STCP.

In the meeting it was also shown that only CDU and the Left Bloc oppose the initiative of the municipality. The mayor said that “does not help us anything we all agree and say we do not want the grant and the Government makes the grant.”

For Rui Moreira the best way to condition this contest to interest populations is “look at the process from the point of view of the dealer.”

In the City Council was still present

expert transport Álvaro Costa who has advised the local authority and is participating in a study requested by the Board to the University Catholic on the viability of the concession, as proposed by the Government.

highlight that Rui Moreira has stated several times that the network that is in place is not adapted to the needs of the city, being one of several problems specifications. Remember that the specification originated 2,300 questions from stakeholders in the concession.


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