Thursday, September 18, 2014

Challenged universities to set up showdown in undergraduate teaching – Correio do Minho

Universities challenged to create final proof in undergraduate teaching


“One of the great challenges facing the education is to qualify , overcoming this phase of the quantitative growth obsession “, this was one of the alerts left yesterday by former Education Minister, David Justin, invited to attend the conference ‘A Future for Education’, which also featured the participation of former minister Education, Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, promoted as part of celebrations of 40 years of UMinho.

David Justino called on universities to organize and create a “kind of showdown” in undergraduate teaching, in order to place all students in a “platform of equality.” The former minister said that go to “waste” resources without employability courses and that there is a “mismatch” between supply, demand and opportunities.

Also for Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues “when establishing criteria as base to recruit the note of time course and career, this is the zero degree of intelligence in recruiting. ” For the former Minister of Socrates, “have more years of experience makes all the difference” and “should be considered but significantly”, ie “the years spent lecturing and not calendar time.”

Challenged to make a retrospective and balance sheet of the most significant changes in recent 40 years in the landscape of education in Portugal, the opinions are divided. On one hand, Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues believes that before the 25th of April there was no education system in Portugal, David Justino opposed, arguing that there is the education system since the nineteenth century.

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 ing Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, “there were thousands of primary schools scattered in villages throughout the country, north and south alike, were schools without ambition, which provided the learning of reading, where the failure rate was about 40 percent . The ambition was indeed very small.

The minister who had a vision for the education system was the Minister Veiga Simão.Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues points out four major disruptions that are critical

to the current education system. “One of the most important dimensions of enormous disruption is the democratic management of schools, who were mere extensions of the administration; introduces another break in the unification of learning pathways; another profound change is the change in the status and working conditions of teachers; Finally, the issue of social demand for education, there is now the expectation of all attending as long as possible all levels of education, which is very evident especially in seeking access to higher education. ”

Meanwhile, Justin David argued that “in the post-World War II walked the education system in the wake of social changes and not vice versa. What is noticed during all this period, almost up to 90 years, educational policies in tow walked social tensions. And the first surge voltage at which the system from one moment to the other entered recessionary phase with expansive trends keep up, ie on the one hand try to expand the supply when demand was back. And this is the big problem we have today the closing of schools, the placement of teachers, “noted David Justino.

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