Thursday, September 18, 2014

Social Security surpluses to prepare list of personnel without … – Reuters






The bodies of the workers Social Security that are not in magazines or that, following the transfer of some equipment for the IPSS, were without assigned functions careers may be placed in rehabilitation (the former special mobility). A source contacted by the Social Security PUBLIC confirmed that the guardianship is making some efforts to streamline the mechanism of regeneration and added that employees are the most affected in these situations.


                         On Thursday, the Union of Civil Servants (Sintap) reported that in recent days there were meetings in regional centers Social Security in order to send to the mobility hundreds of workers, a process that considers “not transparent” and that is generating many fears.

Echoes that have also come to the National Federation of Labor Unions in the Public Function, which gives an account of meetings of directors “in order to identify jobs that can be removed and placed in supernumerary “.

Both Sintap as the Federation will ask for explanations from the Government.

Faced with these allegations, the Ministry of Social Security and the Social Security Institute did not respond. But at the end of the Council of Ministers on Thursday, Luis Marques Guedes, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, recalled that the requalification is prescribed by law and “is a process that the Public

Administration, according to their changing needs, may or may not appeal. ” “I do not understand the word of complaint. Denounces what? The law enforcement? “Asked, referring questions of detail for each of the ministries.

When we found PUBLIC, the tutelage of Pedro Mota Soares” is committed to controlling public spending “using, among other , the mechanism of regeneration and respecting the instructions of the Ministry of Finance.

For now, the industry source said it was decided to terminate careers that never came to be revised and that “became unnecessary”, putting these workers mobility. Something that also happen to day care workers and leisure workshops that began to heave the social sector and were not part of the tables, including kindergarten teachers, aides, cooks, among others.

At the end Last week, the unions complained that there were informal indications that the services would reduce by 12% the staffing. The Finance denied having given such guidance, but the PUBLIC confirmed them with some state leaders.

in redevelopment Workers are exempted from service, leaving to receive part of their salary (60% in first 12 months and 40% thereafter). Who was admitted before 2009 may be in this situation indefinitely. In contrast, workers who entered later can be fired after one year.

The redevelopment has not been widely used, since it came into force in December 2013 In the presentation of the second amendment to the state budget, ‘s own finance minister acknowledged that. At the time, Maria Luis Albuquerque said, however, that is ongoing, “a set of reorganization of services”, which will lead to “a greater number of people to be placed in rehabilitation.” With Raquel Almeida Correia



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