Sunday, September 28, 2014

Meet the social network that explores the shortcomings of Facebook – PT Journal

There is a social network that presents itself as ‘anti-Facebook’. Called “Ello” and promises to explore the defects of Zuckerberg’s network, through the privacy policies and advertising strategies. Want to become a member? Need an invitation …

It was created last year, but only now gained prominence, to become viral on the Internet, especially in the last week, which recorded a significant demand.

Ello, the anti-Facebook social network, works differently, with privacy policies and advertising that protect the user.

It is noteworthy, first, by the way access: only through an invitation you can become a member

But the demand is so great that there are people who sell on Ebay invitations for this anti-Facebook network for unusual values ​​


There are tens of thousands of requests to join the social network, which ‘exploded’ last week and is gaining more and more users.

Click this link and learn the social network that is far from pestering Facebook, but it promises to open discussions on these


“The Ello does not sell advertising, or gives information about its users to third parties. A social network should not be a tool to mislead, coerce, manipulate, but a place to connect people and celebrate life. You are not a product, “reads, in presenting the social network pointing these defects to Facebook.

” Simple, beautiful and without publicity, “even enhance, the address access Ello, created by programmers who accuse Zuckerberg of unethical behavior. “


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