Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Here is the Autumn Equinox: Google doodle marks the beginning of … – PT Journal

At 3:29 a.m. in Portugal, gave up the Autumn Equinox, anniversary marked with a Google doodle, on Tuesday, early in the season. Autumn appears disguised as winter, with rain, and follows a spring summer. Learn what is the Autumnal Equinox, which marks the farewell to spring.


Began the fall after the equinox occurred at 3:29 a.m. on Tuesday. Are 89 days of the new season, a weather calendar in 2014 has some stringent. Indeed, a spring-summer an undercover case fall, winter, and rain fall with the temperature.


Until December 21, the date of the Winter Equinox, will fall, despite the temperature records of the summer ending oblige us to have only one certainty: the great hallmarks of autumn – the leaves fall the trees – does not depend on the weather daydreams


The Autumn Equinox is marked with a Google doodle on Tuesday, which is entering the station.


Trees of dry leaf undress, forming its branches in the word “Google”. It is the art of Google at the service of science and recreation.


The equinoxes occur in the months of September and March and define seasonal changes. In September, gives the Autumnal Equinox, which marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.


In March, the opposite occurs: the equinox marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere

  At issue is the alignment of the Earth relative to the Sun. And early autumn differs every year because the Blue Planet is not a perfect circle, which prevents a rotation always equal.


All these factors lead to adjustments in the axis of rotation of the planet, which is reflected in the start time of all seasons. With autumn, the days will gradually move to be shorter, a phenomenon that will end with the Spring Equinox.


The word “equinox” comes from the Latin, adding the words “aequus”, meaning “equal”, and “nox”, which means “night.” Can be translated as “equal nights”, an allusion to the fact that the day and night last exactly the same amount of time.


In astronomy, this phenomenon boils down to the moment when the sun, in its apparent orbit (as seen from Earth), crosses the line of the equator.


The first day of fall, and according to the weather Portuguese Institute of Sea and the atmosphere, the sky is cloudy, the wind will blow weak, with heavy showers and even thunderstorms can occur.


Yesterday, in Lisbon, in the farewell season, heavy rains flooded some arteries (see some videos), with firefighters being called to numerous incidents. No one would say that we were in the spring …


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