Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NASA chooses Boeing and SpaceX to build spaceships … – Reuters






The NASA chose Boeing and SpaceX to build the first two spatial private American spaceships to carry astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), with the aim of ending dependence on Russian Soyuz.


                         The first flight will take place in 2017 six manned missions to the ISS are planned for each of the companies chosen. The spacecraft will have capacity for seven passengers.

“Today we are one step closer to launching our astronauts from the soil of the United States, an American spacecraft, ending the dependence on Russia,” said the “boss” of the American space agency, the former astronaut

Charles Bolden, in making the announcement, on Tuesday, at the Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA.

After they end up with their shuttles – Endeavour and the Atlatins fulfilled their last missions in 2011, after decades of service. – NASA became dependent on Russia to get to the ISS

“Trust in orbit transportation land to private industry allows NASA to focus on an even more ambitious mission – to send humans to Mars, “said also. “The partnership between Boeing promises to allow more people to experience the excitement of spaceflight.”

The contract is 6.8 billion (over € 5240 million). The main piece will be up to Boeing, with 4.2 billion (over EUR 3.24 million). The Californian company SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies) will receive 2.6 billion dollars (over two billion). Also participated in the contest the Sierra Nevada.

For NASA, the need for space transport ships-is clearly tilted due to worsening in recent months, relations between the United States and Russia, due to the crisis Ukrainian.



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