The bacteria legionella , which is known to cause Legionnaires’ disease, was found in a reservoir of water distribution in the county of Almodovar. And do not know since when is there.
Following analysis by Public Water company Alentejo (APA), the entity responsible for water supply in high, the municipality of Almodovar, confirmed the “presence of bacteria on reservoir distribution.”
Faced with this anomaly, the county reported the population of the county, through a notice published on Friday, which had been detected legionella , without explaining which referenced the 24 species that are known.
On Monday afternoon, the council held a public town hall meeting, with the presence of an official of the APA and the Regional Health Authority to enlighten the public about the care to be taken to “avoid or mitigate” the risks associated with inhalation of particles of water during bath with shower, sprinkling, car washing, etc..
The council clarified persons present who would be required “weekly” to purge the entire network of residence and equipment, for example (water heaters, water heaters, etc.) by opening all valves and taps, “the 10-minute period,” to ensure water circulation and prevent its stagnation.
Residents will have “reject” the first shower water for a period “not less than two minutes”, whenever used, and monthly must treat the showers in chlorinated solution “for a period not less than 24 hours,” warned the municipality.
However, the APA is already running jobs of cleaning and disinfection of reservoirs
The Left Bloc (BE) accuses the town executive “levity” in addressing the issue related to the presence of bacteria and their implications for the security of citizens, demanding that it be explained to people what symptoms that legionella causes and the consequences on individual health. Also remains unclear, “since when the bacterium is in the public network.”
The content of the notice “refers to the users a set of actions (rejections of water) to take to avoid infection” and without specifying whether the measures being taken by the municipal services. There also no information “about who shall bear the costs of using procedures as recommended in” Publico said Filipe Santos, local leader of the Bloc, stressing that clarifications on the consequences of the presence of bacteria in the public water supply ” did not reach all citizens. “
Exposure to bacteria l egionella can cause a respiratory infection, known as Legionnaires’ disease. Is transmitted by inhalation of droplets of contaminated water vapor, so small that they convey the bacteria to the lungs, enabling their deposition in the lung alveoli. The l egionella pneumophila, recognized as the most pathogenic, is one of 24 known species.
The disease particularly affects adults between 40 and 70 years of age, with greater incidence in men, a detail which is particularly relevant in a county where the population is predominantly elderly.
PUBLIC tried to get explanations with the Regional Health Authority, but by the time of publication of this news was not possible to achieve the Contact. Expected to further clarification of the company’s Public Water Alentejo.
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