Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NASA chooses Boeing and SpaceX to develop spacecraft – RTP



 The National Agency for Aeronautics and Space (NASA), which has been unable to send astronauts into space since the end of transport (`shuttle` space) in 2011, will pay 6.8 billion dollars (5 EUR 2 000 million) will two companies by their respective spacecraft.

 “The potential total contract value is 4.2 billion for Boeing and 2.6 billion for SpaceX,” Bolden specified.

 The agency has spent over 1.4 billion dollars since 2010 to help private companies, including Boeing, SpaceX and Sierra Nevada, which was removed today, to develop their own transport vehicles.

 With the end of the American program of space transportation vehicles, after 30 years, the space powers were dependent on the Russian Soyuz to carry their scientists to the space station, at a cost of 70 million per person.

 “From the beginning, the government of President Obama has made it very clear that the greatest nation on Earth should not be dependent on others to go into space,” said Bolden.

 “Thanks to the leadership of President Obama and the hard work of the teams from NASA and enterprises, today we are closer to launching our astronauts soil [North] American vehicles in [North] Americans and ending the dependency I have the Russia in 2017, “he stressed.

TAGS: Boeing SpaceX, SpaceX,

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