Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Government wants further measures on Social Security – Economic

Cristina Oliveira da Silva

 Government wants to strengthen security measures in XE7 & #; Social

Major Planning Options for 2015 speak the “deepening” of some measures.

OGoverno defends “the deepening of some measures that have been taken” in the area of ​​Social Security. This is one of the intentions of the shed in the draft Broad Economic Plan for 2015 (GOP), which suggests the possibility of maintaining tough measures to contain expenditure limitations as early retirement.

The document that oDiárioEconómico had access, states that “the stimulus for active aging patent has been along the governmental action,” recalling, in this context, the suspension of early retirement. Access to early pension is frozen until the end of the year, this being an open road just to the unemployed, specific groups and public officials. Asked by the Economic Journal, the Minister Mota Soares never answered one ponders

extend this regime.

The Government also wants to “implement control measures and regular massive” social benefits paid, “through cross-checking”, which prevents the movement of teams to the field and allows savings.

In addition, the improvement of information systems will also allow “a more effective fight against situations of possible fraud” to the unemployment level. The birth will also be a priority and the government promises to increase the inspection campaign on discrimination at work, and strengthening the network of equipment for children.

About the minimum wage is nothing but said the government promises to continue to “promote the alignment of wage developments” with productivity.


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