posts that feed the feed news of a Facebook user will be overlapping whenever a new publication. Sometimes we do not consider already interesting time are more visible than those that are more recent and most commented. The social network changed this policy with a new change in the algorithm that determines the display of messages in feed .
After receiving criticism from users about the lack of recent events in their feed news, Facebook decided to change its algorithm and prioritize posts that have more interactions, like most “likes” or comments, and pull through these posts when the activity is greater.
The social network that wants to be visible more stories about current issues, so these happen, so that you get to know immediately what your friends or pages that follow
“This means that when a friend or a page that the user is connected publishes something that is, at the moment, a hot topic of conversation on Facebook, it is likely that post appear above the feed of news, so the user can see it sooner, “said Facebook in a note published on Friday.
Now happens to be also taken into account the average number of “likes” and comments to a post . Based on these data, Facebook will turn out to be aware of when a person decides to like, comment and share. “If people are interacting with the post so that is published, and not so much a few hours later, this suggests that the message was more interesting when it was published, but potentially less interesting in later date. Based on this signal, it is more likely to appear higher up in the feed news earlier and later a later date, “writes social network.
The Facebook indicates, in However, these changes will be made gradually and that users will not see large immediate changes in the distribution of posts .
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