Saturday, September 27, 2014

What is this ball that Curiosity photographed on Mars? – TVI24

The robot Curiosity, which is exploring the planet Mars, photographed a perfectly round object, like a ball, the surface of the Red Planet. The ball will have about an inch in diameter.

The subject intrigued halfway around the world, but experts have come already explained, speaking to website that ‘ball’ discovered on Mars must have been formed by the process called concretion – when a mass of mineral aggregates to a rock sediment.

According to NASA, the image of this sphere was captured last September 11.

A similar phenomenon was captured 10 years ago, the probe Opportunity, which captured images of a group of small spheres that resembled small berry

fruits. According to scientists, the formation of such objects may indicate that, at some point, there was water in the soil of Mars.


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