                         <- Thumbnail image ->

<- Author's Name -> Bruno Fonseca
<- Author's Bio ->

Founder of Leak, debuted online in 1999 when he created Took the first steps in the world of technology with Spectrum 48K and never dropped the computers. Are you hooked on mobile phones, tablets and gadgets

. <- Author's social media links -> <"social clearfix" ul class = />

                                 Microsoft introduces Lumia 830, Lumia 730 and Dual SIM Lumia 735
                                                  <- Content ->

Microsoft introduces Lumia 830, Lumia 730 and Lumia 735 Dual SIM

                                 Xbox xE0 One & #; sale tomorrow & # XE3, in Portugal
                                                  <- Content ->

Xbox One on sale tomorrow in Portugal

                                 Dual SIM Lumia 530 arrives in Portugal for 119 Euros
                                                  <- Content ->

Dual SIM Lumia 530 arrives in Portugal for 119 Euros

                                 BlackBerry Messenger BETA for Windows Phone
                                                  <- Content ->

BlackBerry Messenger BETA for Windows Phone

<-. widget -> <-! .widget ->