Tuesday, September 16, 2014

GOP Government commitment to increase the share market … – to the Minute News

The Government announced the goal of increasing the social rental market, estimating a thousand fires can have values ​​of rents 20-30% lower than those in the free market, by Major Options Plan (GOP) for 2015.

In the draft of GOP Government sent to the social partners, the Lusa had access, we read that in 2015 will continue the development of the social rental market for “affectation of fires from processes of accord and satisfaction, in turn resulting from the breaches of funding granted. “

This project resulted from a partnership between the state, municipalities and banks.

In the document it is expected that the application of the new regime supported lease will allow a “better management of public park social housing” as well as “eliminate situations of injustice and iniquity” and “provide greater quality of life for the people” residing in these locations.

The level of urban regeneration, the Executive will keep Rehabilitate to Rent program through grant funding to public entities and a new line of funding for the rehabilitation of private buildings for lease housing.

In the first phase, the funding comes from funds from the European Investment Bank and the Banque de Développement du Conseil de L’Europe and will contribute to the historic centers are regenerated, repopulated, streamlined economically in addition to “constitute itself as a decisive instrument in the growth of urban lease.”

With impact in 2015 and beyond will be a

future financial instrument to support urban regeneration framed in the new programming period (2014- 2020) of the European Structural Funds and Investment.

In the chapter on Spatial Planning, Nature Conservation and cities are remembered reforms made under the Law on Public Policy Soils, Spatial Planning and Urban Development and state the announced preparation of a new diploma framing cadastre.

For 2015 it is planned to complete the Programme of Action 2014-2020 associated with the National Program of Policy Planning territory.

The document mentions the changes in urban rental arrangements, to protect tenants, especially in the commercial sector, “promoting thereby the economic activity and job creation,” thus and ensures support for families whose “rising income proves unaffordable” after five years of transitional period with maximum increases in the values ​​of rents.


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