Sunday, September 21, 2014

. “There is no God I’m an atheist” – Reuters





If there remained doubts, Stephen Hawking definitely cut them in the bud: “There is no God. I’m an atheist. The religion believes in miracles, but these are not compatible with science. “


                          position, clearly and beyond doubt, was given in the interview that the Spanish daily El Mundo publishes this Sunday. In it, the British scientist returned to rule out the possibility of God being the creator of the universe, rather than seemingly come to defend. “In the past, before we understood the science was logical to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation. What did you mean when you said you would know the’mente of God ‘was that we would understand everything that God would be able existed. But there is no God. “

Moreover, the author of the celebrated Brief History of Time , about the limits of our knowledge of astrophysics, the nature of time

and the Universe, it shows the owner of a “unshakeable faith” in the power of science to unravel the mysteries of the universe. “I believe that we can understand the origin of structure in the universe. Incidentally, we are close to achieving this goal. In my opinion, there is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind, “said

In this interview -. Paid at a time when Stephen Hawking traveled to the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, to participate in a six-day congress dedicated to astronomy – there was room for questions about the relevance of investment funds as hefty in sending astronauts into space. Hawking said he has no doubts: “Space exploration boosted and will continue to drive major scientific and technological advances.” And may, moreover, represent a life insurance policy for the human species, ie, “may prevent the disappearance of humanity thanks to the colonization of other planets.”

Asked about the funding cuts to scientific research , that Spain – but also Portugal – has witnessed, astrophysicist stressed that Spain “needs graduates with scientific training to ensure their economic development”

“You can not encourage young people to scientific careers. with cuts in the field of research, “he insisted.



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