Independent, ad free and accessible by invitation only. It thus appears that the Ello, a social network that began as a private but with the growing number of requests for access, eventually become public – but with controlled entry. Created by seven artists and programmers, is already known as the anti-Facebook social network.
With a simple smile black and white, Ello introduced himself to the world Online as a “simple, beautiful and no ads” alternative to conventional social networks, open everyone but with a touch of exclusivity. To access the social network you must be invited by a user or an application for entry to be accepted by the team responsible for Ello. Those who are already users may only send five to ten invitations
The fact that not permit ads is the strong point of the social network and what is most emphasized in his presentation:. “What Ello does not sell ads. Or sell data about you to third parties. “Ello’s team believes that collect and sell personal data of users, read messages sent to friends and track the social connections of each user in exchange for profits is” simultaneously scary and unethical. ”
In a manifesto published on your page in beta, the creators of Ello say they believe there is a better solution than to treat the user as a “product that is bought and sold” and where privacy is
Ello refusal comparisons with other social networks but in fact, they are already being made, especially with Facebook. A founder of Ello, Paul Budnitz, spoke to Mashable. Budnitz says that Facebook users have become complacent in such a way that social networking is no longer a “true social network.” “I do not see us competing with them because what we are doing seems to be very different.”
This alleged difference seems to be reflected in the number of people wanting to join the community. The website BetaBeat, Budnitz says oo Ello receives an average of 31 000 requests for access by the hour and there are even calls for sale on eBay.
The question of how Ello can come to support has been raised. Besides the personal investments of his seven creators, the social network has received an investment of FreshTracks, a company of Capital venture, about $ 435,000. The company has a place in the administration of Ello and wonder now will not press social network to allow entry of ads and this will eventually yield to the normal parameters of a deal. When BetaBeat, Budnitz noted that it would be “ridiculous”
. “If you ever sell the data of our users or publish ads, everyone – including us – would leave the network”, defended in turn, Todd Berger, another of the founders, the website .
Despite having free use, occasionally Ello intends to provide special services to which the user can access in exchange for a “small amount money “. “We want to make a successful business that makes money, but we need to have a company of 30 billion dollars,” said Budnitz.
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