“Because the Government’s now promoting a law of private copies?”. This was one of the issues that the Secretary of State for Culture, Jorge Barreto Xavier, said that possibly will in the minds of many Portuguese. The debate today, September 17, that brought to the Parliament to update the law of private copying, served precisely to try to clarify this issue. But the end is not certain to what extent is that the mission was successfully accomplished.
Contrary to Jorge Barreto Xavier has said – private copying is not piracy – some parliamentary groups eventually pull the issue of illegal file sharing and said that many Portuguese are making this mess. People who think that by the devices being taxed to compensate the authors, can then make free copying and sharing works.
The CFP through Mr Michael James, believes that the Government’s proposal is not the best and even remunerate authors in fair proportion. “At the same time carries on users, costs and access to technology, leaving out the telecom operators who are the ones who benefit most.” And here is the solution that passes in the opinion of Michael James: the bill 228 / XII that the Communists had. In a nutshell, the idea is to promote the sharing of free-form files, and the rate falls to telecom operators.
Michael James said that with the measure proposed by PCP can gather around € 50 million per year, with 15% of this value would serve as background cultural awareness, while the remaining money was distributed by the authors freely make available their works. Since the current Government proposal for private copying plans to gather between 15 to 20 million euros.
Almost by way of futurology, the Secretary of State for Culture had already anticipated that “freedom of access does not show that society is freer and more just, free access is no magic formula that solve social and economic “problems. But I also knew admit that “no law is the ideal law,” a clear reference to all the controversy that has surrounded the issue of private copying.
Michael James reacted and said that “the current law does not conform to reality” and that “the Government’s proposal does not solve the misfit.”
Jorge Barreto Xavier insist then that can not be confused with private copying and piracy can not be confused with file sharing private copy. Matter of piracy is not covered or provided for by law, said the representative of the Government and ultimately responsible for cultural affairs.
But then there would eventually yield to the speech by saying that the Government chose not to legislate on the issue of piracy, but before creating a working group bringing together various ministries and will focus on issues of awareness among Portuguese. A program that is described as a force to combat piracy.
Who is the father?
The Secretary of State for Culture has not escaped criticism that the update of the law of private copying is not new and had already been brought to Parliament for the Socialist Party idea. One of these accusations came from the Left Bloc and by Catarina Martins, but Jorge Barreto Xavier shot saying this is not a matter of “parenthood”. This is before the fair remuneration of artists through the exception that exists through the law of private copying.
“Now admit that you need to update a policy, three years ago it did not,” said Inês de Medeiros Socialist Party MEP. Another criticism by socialist left is relative to how the money collected by the law of private copying – not a word about it and not a percentage in the draft bill.
(In update)
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