Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Company plans to build space elevator in 2050 – Info Online

A Japanese company plans to build elevators into space in 2050 Space elevators are dreamed long ago by both government space programs and the private sector.

Now, the construction company Obayashi has committed to build the first space elevator fully functional by mid-century. In an interview with Austratian Broadcasting Corporation , Obayashi reported that its space elevator will reach the height of 90,000 km.

For comparison, this point is equivalent to three round trips back and forth between London, England and Sydney, Australia. According to the company, a round trip on the space elevator would take seven days (hopefully there will be windows).

The idea behind the construction of a space elevator is that it would significantly reduce the cost of transporting materials heavy. While the engineers believe that most parts of a space elevator is possible today, as the geostationary satellite. On the other hand, some materials are not yet available.

One such material is one that will be used to make the cable that will connect the earth to the satellite.

Many scientists believe the key is in carbon nanotubes; Obayashi agrees. . The Japanese company said it is investing in the development of carbon nanotechnology to make the project a reality

Talking to the channel, the manager of research and development of Obayashi, Yoji Ishikawa said: “The tensile strength is almost one hundred times stronger than steel cable. Hence, it is possible. “

” Right now, we can not do enough long cable. We can only make nanotubes 3 inches long, but we need more. We think in 2030 we will be able to do it. “


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