Sunday, September 28, 2014

Technology – Social Network “Anti-Facebook” Ello comes out of nowhere and … – Bragança News Portal

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New social network promises n & # XE3, to show an & # XFA; naïve and n & # XE3; sell data usu & # XE1; rivers to generate income (Photo: Pla & # XE7; & # XE3, the / Ello)

New social network promises not show ads and does not sell user data to generate income (Photo: Playback / Ello)

In a matter of days, the new social network Ello, described as the “anti-Facebook” for its position concerning privacy and publicity, has become perhaps the hottest ticket on the internet.

Created last year as a social network “private” Ello recently opened its doors on a invite only basis.

because of strong demand and limited supply, the invitations were sold on eBay at prices up to $ 500. Ello is receiving up to 35,000 requests per hour as a result of a viral wave last week.

Ello seems to have caught up with a simple message that seems to aim at frustrations Facebook users. “Ello does not sell ads. Also do not sell information about you to third parties, “the company says. His “manifesto”, says: “We believe that a social network can be a tool for empowerment. It is a tool to deceive, coerce and manipulate – but a place to connect, create and celebrate life. You are not a product. “

Ello’s policy states that the practice of gathering and selling personal data and mapping their social connections for profit” is at the same time scary and unethical. “

” Under the pretext of offering a “free” service, users pay a high price in intrusive advertising and lack of privacy. “

Based in Vermont, Ello was launched by a group of artists and programmers led by Paul Budnitz, whose previous experience includes designing bikes and robots.

Budnitz says on your page that Ello was designed to be “simple, beautiful and free ads.”

Nathan Jurgenson, social media researcher at the University of Maryland, received new approach to Ello.

“I love those moments of conversation when new social media explodes, moved to imagine how social media can be different, questioning the fundamental assumptions instead of just worrying and complaining – all before this painting to dry, “he said in his page on Ello

.” Ello is getting so much attention precisely because it promises a different social media policy . We came together to the perception that the rise of social media has been accompanied by a lot of power delivery for a very small number of people, and there is no power to shake things up, even if just a little. “

The rise of Ello also comes amid complaints against the gay community that Facebook the largest social network in the world began disabling

accounts using stage names instead of real names.

You can follow and be followed in Ello, and user names are more similar to those used on Twitter. After all, they are only followed at sign, and do not require to be the real name of the person. Indeed, this seems to have been one of the demands of the LGBT community of artists, who do not agree with some impositions of terms of use of Facebook as the user name.

A protest is planned against San Francisco supporting Facebook “drag queens” who have lost their Facebook accounts. The Ello not require real names.

It is not yet clear whether Ello will end up being a flash in the pan or will develop a profitable business plan.

Ello says he plans to remain “completely free”, but he could start offering some premium features for a fee.

Still in beta

As this is still a trial version, its resources are still scarce compared to what is offered by giants like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Reports from some users show, for example, that the field of research is still poor and there are some flaws to load pages. Even so, the developers ensure that the user base doubles in size every three or four days.

Developers are racing against the clock to launch new features, ranging from support for video and audio from YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram and SoundCloud, a tool to lock users. Other promises are flagging inappropriate content, private accounts, reposts with copyright assignment, notification center, private messages and apps for iOS and Android.

Some question whether Ello can succeed in this type of model and maintain its principles.

But former collaborator Aral Balkan Ello Ello said has already been compromised, causing $ 435,000 in funding from venture capital.

The designer and founder of ind .ie a privacy advocacy group, said that Balkan worked briefly for Ello but left when he learned of venture investments.

“When you take the capital risk, is not a matter of if you will sell your users, you already have, “says a post on the blog Balkan.

” It’s called an exit plan. And no investor will give you venture capital with nothing in return “Balkan complements

. Sources: AFP-JIJI, Via TechCrunch and The Next Web

Tags: 2014, International Technology

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