Thursday, October 1, 2015

Users can shop within the Youtube player – Administrators

Provide commerce stores online services initially created without the intention of acting as e-commerce is really becoming a trend. After Facebook and Twitter, now it came to Youtube – Google’s video platform, which is even more by visiting the site of the world within the audiovisual category. – Add purchase and sales resources


Soon, Youtubers – users who use the platform to display videos on their particular channels – can use the feature to sell products within the video being displayed


According to Digital Look, the news, announced on Tuesday (29), was named “Shopping ads”. Among other things, it will allow users to make available links to product sales in your videos.


For this, the video player YouTube will receive a button on the ‘i’ format. By clicking the button, the right side of the screen will open a small guide which will be available the channel products. Google has reported that the use of the tool will not be paid. However, a commission will be charged for purchases made by the tool. That is, the value will not be charged for usage, but for clicks and sales.


You can check out in practice how this will be done through the gif below, generated through a video dosponibilizado on YouTube: