Monday, October 19, 2015

Playstation 4 can be reduced in price to € 349 this Christmas – Portal Technology

Games / Consoles

On the

 Price Drop PS4

During this month we have already seen a decline price in the US market, but the same could happen in Europe, with the price of Playstation 4 down € 50.

The news is reported by the French trade press, which points the next Paris Games Week which take place between October 28th and November 1st, for the official announcement of the news. Although they are rumors, there are several images of flyers and catalogs to retail outlets to announce that. There was even a French shop which indicated that the price decrease will take place on October 21, even before the Paris Games Week.

So far, Sony has sold its console for 300 €, and many the sets are the same price, with games included, but in view of the images, the price decrease will happen in selling console without games, which will be the first price drop in Europe.

Despite there is little

doubt about this ad, do not forget that the price decrease can not get to the Portuguese market, or arrive later. Let’s wait for official confirmation

Source: AllGamesBeta . <- facebook comments plugin for wordpress: http: />/ ->

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