Friday, October 23, 2015

App Facebook is depleting the battery of your mobile phone – TVI24

Facbook The Facebook admitted that the use of social network It is consuming more battery than it was supposed to, even when not in use. After many complaints from users, Facebook has opened an investigation and detected two flaws in the system responsible for the situation.

Hundreds of users, especially the iOS system reported the problem, and urged Facebook to find solutions quickly. It was already known that the app was the first in the list of spending more battery but had never been detected no fault that could be resolved.

The IT manager of the social network, Ari Grant, released a statement on Facebook, to warn two errors that are being resolved.

“The first problem we encountered was with the ‘rotation CPUs in our coding system. This mechanism is like a child in the car, asking ‘have we got? Have we reached? Have we reached? ‘, A question which does not result any progress or arrival at destination. This iterative process makes our app use more battery power than is required. “

The second problem, according to Facebook, it is intended with the audio system and video, which automatically turns on and remains in that state even when no longer being used.

“If the user leaving the Facebook application turned on after watching a video, the audio session sometimes remains on, as if the app was to play music quietly. It

is similar to closing a music application and want to hear a tune while doing other things, but in this case it was not intentional and nothing continued to play. “

Ari Grant said, however, that solutions have been found to alleviate the problem and advised all users to update applications with the new system, launched this Friday. The new version “has some improvements that should begin to improve the situation,” but it was not ensured full resolution.


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