Thursday, October 22, 2015

Google opens applications 150 million in grants for journalism in Europe – publico





Google is investing in a sector with which was not always the best relations. The multinational opened on Thursday applications for a fund over the next three years, will provide a total of EUR 150 million to finance European projects of innovation in journalism.

The amounts and the level of financial participation of each in each project varies depending on the size. In the case of smaller projects and still in the initial phase, the fund will subsidize the total cost, up to a maximum of 50,000 euros. These projects may be submitted by organizations and individuals, and will be evaluated faster than other

Already in projects considered of medium and large -. Those who require financing up to 300 thousand euros and one million euros, respectively – The fund will finance a maximum of 70% of the total cost. Applications for these amounts must be made by organizations. The fund will accept exceptions to the limit of one million euros for projects involving multiple organizations. – For example, internationally initiatives or are cut across a sector

The first round of applications will end on 4 December, opening up a new phase in spring 2016. There will be two annual periods of applications.

The evaluation of the process will initially be made by a Google team and the people sector, who decide on the small projects and make recommendations on the remaining the advice of the fund, currently with 11 members, which is responsible for determining the funding of higher amounts. The council is headed by the president of the Portuguese Press Association, João Palmeiro.

The fund, which is part of the Digital News Initiative, a partnership

of the company with the media in Europe, had been announced in April, after experiences of support to media outlets in some countries, such as Belgium (with an agreement that led Google to advertise their services on the Belgian media) and France, where the multinational has made available in 2013 an amount of 60 million for innovation in the sector. The measures came then to appease the critics – and lawsuits -. That the company has undergone in recent years in Europe to use the content of the publications in some of its services, such as aggregator Google News

Earlier this month, Google had also presented an open source tool called Accelerated Mobile Pages, intended to cause the content of sites to load faster on mobile devices, and which featured the partnership of some organs of international communication .



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