Friday, October 16, 2015

Was it finally found extraterrestrial life? – Pplware

It was in the constellation Cygnus that Kepler showed something extremely unusual. The researchers think they have found infrastructure built by aliens !!

What led astronomers to believe that these would be the view of constructions alien population?


The objective of the Kepler mission was to find exoplanets, however it was about 1481 light years from viewing something weird.

The major changes the brightness of KIC 8462852 star, led to think that we could be facing a construction made by aliens.

Despite the many speculations, and have received immense attention Media from around the world, researchers think that the explanation may be simpler than it seems.

These astronomers think then that the explanation is simply because pieces of comets are orbiting in back of the star.


However, despite the simple justification, but not yet confirmed, the media continue to feed and trying to sustain the thesis that the issue of unusual light of this star is associated with intelligent extraterrestrials.

This piece of heaven, now famous, was followed for years. In 2009 we would have gone through a depression and in 2011 and 2013 suffered some dips one of which lasted one week. In some of these situations, the brightness decreased by about 20%.

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The KIC 8462852 star is about 50% higher than the our sun and so it is easy to imagine the blackouts that occurred at this location.

What about you? They believe that it is extraterrestrial life or planets orbiting this star


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