Monday, October 26, 2015

Couple sues Apple in US $ 5 million by problems with iOS 9 –

In Florida, the United States, a couple is suing Apple for $ 5 million, claiming that the Cupertino company is deceiving consumers about data rates that the system will use when Wi-Fi Assistance feature is on . The appeal was launched by Apple only on iOS 9 and make you stamen always connected, that is, if a Wi-Fi network begin to fail it is activated automatically, thus connecting the network of mobile data.

William and Suzanne Phillips filed a lawsuit last Friday (23) in US District Court in San Jose, accusing Apple of deceptive trade practices, false advertising and false statements. The couple is also seeking to make this a class action lawsuit, claiming that other consumers have also been harmed by this feature of iOS. 9 – Wi-Fi Assistance in the case

Recently, the Wi-Fi Assistance feature turned subject of a series of discussions on the Internet about how it works and also about the problem to end up being turned in not so favorable time, thus resulting in high consumption of data packets. The action does not make specific how he ends up doing it, but mentions that the phone switches between the full-time connections.

Trying to avoid this type of problem, previously Apple had updated its support page informing such as Wi-Fi Assistance works as well as disable it. She explains that this “ minimizes data on a possible overload that may incur ” and also reasonable and average consumers can use it while listening to music in a streaming app, for example, but that this practice can lead to “suck” the data quickly.

William Anderson, an attorney who is representing the Philips family in this case, said the couple is seeking compensation for himself and others that were also damaged the high consumption of data problem.



It all comes down to Apple’s decision to stop providing a product update without adequate warning about its outcome. This resulted in many people who were extremely surprised and very disappointed with the final value of your accounts [phone].


The above statement was Anderson. Apple declined to comment.

The amount of US $ 5 million of compensation requested in action is the minimum limit for the submission of such proceedings in the Federal Court.


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