Monday, October 19, 2015

State computers “imprisoned” for ransom – Daily News – Lisbon

situation is increasingly common, warns National Cybersecurity Center. Purpose of hackers is to get money

The attacks have been detected in good time, but there are increasing attempts to penetrate the systems of government computers. Information is released this Monday by the Journal News, which cited the confirmation of the National Cybersecurity Center (NAC). The body stresses, however, that the attacks have been controlled and hackers have been unable to meet its goals, passing by become hostages computers and free them only in exchange for payment of a ransom.

The PJ has opened several inquiries from the information gathered by the technicians from the National AIDS Council, which has allowed to hold some of the hackers. The hackers act primarily by sending malicious emails – malware – whose file, when opened, releasing the virus that freezes your computer and allows them to control it. “The computers are made hostage to get money,” he explained to JN Jose Carlos Martins, CNCS coordinator. The purpose is financial and not based on an attempt to access confidential files or sensitive information of the state. The computer pirates seek access to personal computer user data, as a rule, to try and access your bank accounts. “These are emails sent indiscriminately,” said José Carlos Martins.

The state does not negotiate with hackers and end by releasing computers “hostages” using specific tools available to the CNCS, but judging by the values ​​requests to private, the required redemptions

are not in amounts less than 500 euros. The value increases with the time it takes the target to pay, but there is no guarantee that the computer be released after this payment, so the CNCS has sought to sensitize civil society to the risks of computer use. “We must also with respect to civil society warning role,” he told JN the coordinator of the body.


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