Tuesday, October 20, 2015

6.5 million already paid to have the Apple streaming service – SAPO Tek

The streaming service of the owner of the iPhone was released about three months. On Monday for the first time Apple unveiled numbers and indicated that in addition to 6.5 million already subscribe to the offer. There are over 8.5 million people who are currently taking advantage of the opportunity to experience the Apple Music for free.

The figures were shared by Tim Cook during the conference of the Wall Street Journal, on balance very Positive these first months of life of the service, who came to compete in a village market offerings.

Apple Music was born from the acquisition of Beats Music, an operation where Apple has spent 3 billion dollars.

In Portugal the subscription starts at 6.99 euros per month. It can also be of 10.99 euros for the family version, which supports up to six devices.

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