Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scientists may have discovered the first evidence of extraterrestrial life – TVI24

Planet Kepler-16b, the first planet known to orbit around two stars [Source :. REUTERS / NASA / JPL-Caltech / T Pyle] Scientists may have found the first evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. The Kepler Space Telescope has captured images of a star orbiting near the Milky Way and seems to host a “mega-structure” alien.

Astronomers said it found set of objects looks like something that “would be expected to build an extraterrestrial civilization.”

The discovery is so intriguing to scientists, Jason Wright of the University of Penn, will publish a report on the bizarre star system. The astronomer believes this may contain a “swarm of megastructures”.

“I was fascinated by his strange appearance. Aliens must always be the last choice to consider, but this would be something that we should expect an extraterrestrial civilization built. “

According to the The Independent , the star has the name KIC 8462852 and is close to our galaxy, between Lyra and Cygnus constellations. It was first identified in 2009, when the telescope detected as a potential starring to have planets orbiting around them.

However, KIC 8462852 always issued different light patterns of other stars detected by the device. an indication that several years ago intrigued scientists.

“We had never seen anything like this star. It was very strange. We thought it could be a misreading of the data or the movement of the aircraft. But everything has been checked, “said the researcher Tabetha Boyajian.

In 2011, the star was also identified by a group of” citizen scientists “, the” Planet Hunters “, the They cataloged as “bizarre” and “interesting.”

The team’s report are described

various celestial bodies, similar to those found around the sun, before the formation of the planets. This would be expected of a new star. However, KIC 8462852 is not a new formation and the objects could only have been recently placed or be swallowed by the star.

The Telegraph announced that scientists are seriously considering the possibility of being able to deal with construction of a alien civilization. The researchers believe that the higher the level of technological evolution of a society, are more sophisticated ways to mobilize energy. For this reason, the objects can be a kind of solar panels.

Scientists are ready to begin analyzing radio waves of the planets around the star, to try to ascertain the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Observations can begin as early as January.


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