Saturday, October 24, 2015

President of the Press Portuguese Association leads Google’s background – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The president of the Portuguese Press Association, João Palmeiro, was chosen to lead the technological innovation fund for digital journalism projects. The official believes that will appear Portuguese applications and that relations between the media and Google are on the right track.

João Palmeiro, President of the Portuguese Press Association, was chosen for chairman of Google’s Innovation Fund aimed at the media sector.

In total, the fund chaired by João Palmeiro, will provide 150 million euros in the form of grants over the next three years to digital journalism winning projects.

To João Palmeiro the main objective of this new professional challenge is to be able to demonstrate that publishers and Google “can benefit if they look together to things.”

A goal that was already far from completion, according to the president of the Portuguese Press Association. The official believes are being taken the right steps to improve relations between the media and Google.

“The Portuguese Government has also made a great effort with the creation of a platform for exchange of information” between media and technology, “where Google was also present.” And João Palmeiro.

Applications pulled on Thursday, 22 October, and the first phase ends on December 4.

The initial selection process “will be charge of a project team made up of several people with experience in the industry and responsible for Google, “which then report to the fund’s board, chaired by Portuguese official, João Palmeiro.


advice currently counts more 11 names as Alexander Asseiley, founder and CEO of State, Katharina Borchert’s Der Spiegel, Murdoch MacLennan, CEO of Telegraph and Ronan Harris, vice president of Google. And integrate up to 13 members.


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