The Kepler telescope found in KIC 8462852 star in the constellation Cygnus, a variation of unusual light. There are already scientists who believe in a “mega-structure” that proves the existence of extraterrestrial life, but most opt for prudence and talk about comets remains
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” It was very strange, “he admitted one scientist: the KIC 8462852 star, which is about 1481 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus (but already near the constellation Lyra), exhibited a very unusual emission standard light, which has been ‘caught’ by the Kepler space telescope.
The images point to the existence of a “mega-structure” alien and there is already some talk that these buildings are the first evidence of existence of extraterrestrial life.
“It would be expected that an extraterrestrial civilization build” the unusual set of objects, stressed astronomers who first detected the evidence.
Among these is Jason Wright ., researcher at the University of Penn, who promised to publish a report on the KIC 8462852 Star, which believes there is “a swarm of megastructures”
“I was fascinated by his strange appearance,” he said, “The aliens should always be the last choice to consider, but this would be something that we should expect an extraterrestrial civilization built “
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The star, detected in 2009, was known to emit different light patterns of other stars detected by Kepler, a “problem” that scientists have yet to explain.
“We had never seen nothing like this star, “admitted another researcher, Tabetha Boyajian:” It was all very strange, at first we thought it could be a misreading of the data or the movement of the aircraft, but everything was checked “
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It is not the first time that the KIC 8462852 gets these ‘trouble’. In 2011, it became one of the
For the Planet Hunters, this star is “bizarre” and (for that reason) “interesting”.
What’s more puzzled scientists is the age of objects orbiting the star since this is not new. Ie, that are ‘new’ (and you need to determine how they came about), or have been swallowed by the KIC 8462852.
Although scientists, according to The Telegraph, are even considering the possibility of it is a “mega-structure” of alien construction (as if the objects in question were solar panels), few are still those who dare to speak publicly on extraterrestrial life.
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