Thursday, October 15, 2015

Facebook: Bug reveals popularity of posts – EN Journal

Due to a bug, several Facebook users were able, during the day yesterday, see how many views had a post, even if it was not for them. Failure demonstrated the popularity (or not) of several pages

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In other words, because of the bug, any user could see the view count of a page publications even if not the administrator of the same.

The social network admitted fault, pointing out that it only occurred on the site for mobile devices, or is, who accessed Facebook via a computer or application could not see the popularity of third-party posts.

Also according to the statement, the company was quick to fix the bug.

The problem was not in the social network functionality, which went unscathed, but the discomfort of those who manage the pages. This is because those who do not want to pay for a promotion has no way to anticipate the popularity of a post

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On the other hand, some users who are questioned on merits of a particular page might prove, to view previews of articles, the theory that were formulated.

The most recent studies on the functioning of social networks have shown that only a small part of the total followers is that effectively see the publications. The data indicate that an article only reach between 20 and 35 percent of followers.


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