Saturday, October 24, 2015

Windows 10 will receive a major upgrade in November – Portal Technology


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Microsoft has released the Windows 10 last summer as a future platform and is compatible with smartphones, tablets, computers , televisions, Xbox and other platforms.

In November receive a major upgrade but do not be fooled, do not come there anything like a Windows 11 or anything like that but an update more in style “Service pack “as it was known from other versions of Windows. Update this that fixes many mismatch errors, makes it much more stable version, and brings some new features.

The update for the moment is called “Threshold 2″ and the version number to call will be appreciated 1511. Among small novelties are the computer programs may have bars with colorful titles, context menus will be improved and new tiles column will be added to the Start Menu. In addition to Cortana will be available in more languages ​​and the company’s browser will also gain some improvements.

It is not a revolutionary update but an update very welcome, especially for those people who are afraid

of upgrade Windows when a new version comes out because of the amount incompatibilities suffering as a result, after this update everything will be more stable and secure

Source: Thurrott

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