Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Attend the Sony conference at BGamer – GameOver

27.Out.2015 14:08

The Paris Games Week promises to be the venue for many revelations Sony – assists us to the conference of the Japanese giant.

The Sony goes up today on stage at the Paris Games Week with the promise of great revelations and news. The conference will start at 16.45, national time, and will be able to follow the whole event by GameOver.

Watch live video from PlayStation on www.twitch.tv

After his absence at Gamescom, Sony appears ready to bet everything on the Paris Games Week. The Japanese company has confirmed it will reveal new titles and present new information about some of the most anticipated games for fans.

Our expectations are high and we are very curious to know all the news on PlayStation 4, PS Vita and PlayStation VR (will we have the final price and release date?)

What are your predictions for the Sony conference?

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