Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mysterious star has puzzled scientists. It would be extraterrestrial life? – Brazil Post

A mysterious star, between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, 1,500 light years from Earth (each light year equals 9.46 trillion kilometers), is shaking astronomers Worldwide.

Its brightness displays as unusual patterns that of all scientific explanations raised, the most plausible seems to be an incredible structure built by aliens.

Who started the eccentric hypothesis – taken seriously by scientists – is a team of researchers led by Tabetha Boyajian, Yale University, USA, and the American Jason Wright astronomer at Penn State University .

The team which Tabetha part recently published article in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society describing the KIC 8462852, a star observed by the Kepler telescope, the most competent hunter of planets outside our solar system, . launched in 2009

His lens captures the brightness of stars – when there is a standardized reduction of the light emitted by them, it means that something is passing between the star and the telescope.

In most cases, it is a planet (which usually has intermediate size between Earth and Neptune). However, the KIC 8462852 issued an unprecedented light pattern.

random Brightness

His light decreases so that, according to the researchers, the “shadow” can not be generated by a planet. Usually when a planet passes by a star, its brightness decreases between 1% and 2%.

But during the four years of Kepler observations, the light from KIC 8462852 declined between 15% and 25% at random intervals. It has 1.5 times the size of the sun and to darken it that way, it would take a very large object. – Much bigger than a planet

One of the explanations for the phenomenon could be a good star darker, a cloud of cosmic debris or gigantic stellar spots around the star.

But they should emit infrared radiation, which were not captured. Researchers redid the calculations and sought to problems with the telescope, its lenses, measurement or defects in the instruments used to measure the brightness of the star.

Nothing was found. The investigations led to the hypothesis, not very convincingly, that a group of comets could be interfering with the brightness of the star and causing the mysterious shadow.

But still, he should leave traces that were not detected by scientists. It was at this point that the hypothesis of extraterrestrial life came on the scene.

alien structure

Based on the results of the study, Tabetha He sought Jason Wright, known researcher who analyzes scientific clues of life beyond Earth. One possibility raised was proposed by British physicist Freeman Dyson, in an article from 1960 in the journal Science.

Dyson claims that, as a society develops, it needs increasing amounts of energy to sustain itself. After exhausting their planet, they would seek external sources such as the coming of its star.

To capture it, this civilization would build a sophisticated structure with something as huge

solar panels that would gradually involving the star.

The building, called Dyson Sphere, would gradually blocking the light. According to Wright and Tabetha, which Kepler was capturing was this building, still incomplete, around KIC 8462852.

“Aliens are always the last hypothesis to be considered, but this seems something we would expect that an extraterrestrial civilization could build, “Wright said the American magazine The Atlantic.

The sheen falls, therefore, would be the parts of the structure already built. The energy produced by it, that would turn into infrared radiation, can not yet be captured by us because it is not yet finished.

Natural explanation

The hypothesis seems unlikely, and that’s why astronomers suggest continue investigating standards and monitoring this star that is proving the most mysterious of the universe.

Wright to publish an article about it in the coming months and the Yale team hopes to use telescopes and instruments that capture radio waves to observe the star and the region around it. If there is any alien civilization there, they should know how to use these waves -. Just find the exact frequency emissions

In any case, the unusual behavior of KIC 8462852 deserves attention.

He became famous among scientists detected an unexplained phenomenon in 1967 when the hypothesis of extraterrestrial life has been raised.

Called LGM-1 (which stands for “Little Green Men” or “Little Green Men”), he revealed the first issue detected radio of a pulsar (a highly magnetized neutron star).

As the half-century event back, the amazing it may take star to new discoveries in the cosmos.



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