Thursday, October 22, 2015

Workers of the factory that makes iPhone in China earn less than $ 2 per hour – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

factory workers make iPhone in China earn less than $ 2 per hour

An investigation into the conditions of iPhone factories in China reveals that employees work up to 90 overtime hours a month for less than two dollars an hour and barely have time to eat.

An investigation into the conditions of iPhones factories in China reveals that employees work up to 90 overtime hours a month for less than two dollars per hour, live in overcrowded dormitories and barely have time to eat.

According to the defense organization of workers’ rights China Labor Watch (CLW) , abuses persist in Chinese factories where they produce the popular phones of the US Apple.

The CLW has focused in particular a plant in Shanghai’s Taiwanese company Pegatron, who had already investigated in 2013 ., which employs 100,000 people and where the working conditions barely registered improvements

The report “Something is wrong here” back to show the sector labor abuses: turn ten and a half hours a day, that add up over two mandatory overtime, without which workers do not receive a minimum living wage (about $ 318 or 280 euros per month).

The organization illustrates the working conditions with one witness firsthand a researcher CLW who infiltrated as used in Pegatron.

Among other things, the researcher reveals how the company does not comply with basic safety measures, such as informing employees about the outputs emergency -. ports that the investigator himself was never able to find

The witness also focuses on work overload, with shifts in which there is hardly time to eat

The lack of. information also covers chemicals that employees handle. Although the company give them a list of dangerous products they work with, they do not indicate where they are or how they should be treated.

The CLW concludes that “nothing has changed”

since 2013 with the exception of a situation : discrimination regarding the hiring of ethnic minority members, although the caveat organization that the company hires now illegally half of workers temporarily when only can do it for 10% of the team


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