Monday, October 26, 2015

Asteroid passes near Earth on Halloween night – TVI24

Aster & # XF3; go & # xab; shallow & # Xbb; Earth (NASA) On Halloween night, a giant asteroid will pass relatively close to our planet. NASA revealed that at 21:05, on 31 October, the asteroid 2009 FD will turn out 480,000 km from the earth.

The asteroid is known technically as TB145, it is about 400 meters wide and travels at 35 km / s. Despite the distance from the celestial body to Earth to be relatively close in space terms, similar to 1.3 of the distance between the Moon and Earth, NASA ensures that there is no danger of collision or grounds for alarm.

“The gravitational influence of the TB145 is so small it will have no detectable effects on the Moon, the tectonic plates or the Earth tides,” said NASA in a statement.

According to Paul Chodas, director of the Center for Study of Near Earth Objects of Propulsion Laboratory NASA’s Jet, the asteroid can not be seen with the naked eye.

“It will take at least a small telescope to see it.”

According to NASA, this is an excellent opportunity to see a body heavenly, since only something similar will happen again in 2027.

The US space agency plans to obtain radar images of TB145 and analyze the surface to see if the asteroid has a moon or not, which will realize with

more detail the mass and density.


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