Go shopping or have lunch out and pay the bill without money and without the use of cards, it is possible. Just be with your phone. SIBS, which manages the ATM network, this week launched the MB WAY, a new payment method that avoids the use of the card.
“It’s very simple. People can join the ATM or through netbanking, choosing MB WAY option and linking the cards they want. Then simply enter the mobile phone number, and select a six-digit PIN. After joining, just install and activate the application on your phone, and it can be done in the operating systems iOS, Android or Windows, “explains Maria Antonia Saldanha, responsible for communication of SIBS.
On the app, the service is ready to use. Time to pay for a purchase or a meal, for example, “instead of using the ATM card, you provide your phone number, and the app automatically receives a payment note. You can check if the value is correct and validate the payment by entering the such six-digit PIN you have chosen, “adds the same source.
Faster than Cash Machine
Practical for consumers, ensures SIBS, and practical also for traders. Nuno Van Uden is responsible for the communication chain restaurants h3, and only see advantages:
“It is a secure payment method, convenient and fast. Faster than the ATM. Our concept lives on two factors: the quality of the food and speed of service. And sometimes with the ATM esbarrávamos this issue quickly because the link of payment terminals failed, etc. This solution makes the experience more satisfying consumers “he said.
The case h3″ was a very successful example, “says Maria Antonia Saldanha. Because? Because the food chain has had its own application where customers accumulate points to get discounts. “We called our app to app MB WAY and so when customers use the MB WAY to pay, automatically accumulate points h3 and the bill already out with consumer tax number and everything,” explains Nuno Van Uden.
But the advantages of MB WAY do not stop here. “Imagine that, as with many Portuguese nowadays, have a meal card. Go shopping to the supermarket and want to pay with meal card, but forgot it at home. It’s simple: pay with MB WAY because the meal card is inside the MB WAY “he explains Maria Antonia Saldanha
Transfer money between banks, at the time
The application allows also perform money transfers
“It’s like I’ll now hand over a 20 euro note. I do not need to make an immediate transfer of know your NIB, or what is your bank, nothing. I just need to enter your mobile phone number and value, and is as fast as sending an SMS, “explains the head of SIBS. The recipient is notified immediately of the transfer and just have to accept it. The money goes into the account at once.
To date, and since the trial period have been performed more than 24,000 downloads of the app. Thirteen banks MB adhered to the WAY, which means that 95% of cards in circulation can adhere. As for the trading partners they are still few dozen, “but the number is always increasing,” according to responsible communication of SIBS. This payment method is available in chains like Fnac or the Jumbo hypermarkets and continent.
For consumers, membership is free.
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