The National Association of Purse Seine fishing Producer Organisations argued today that the capture of sardines in 2016 could increase to 16,900 tons if confirmed greater biomass that fish available.
“We understand that the catch limit for 2016 could increase by 30% over the limit set for 2015, namely to 16,900 tons,” said in a statement, the National Association of Producers’ Organizations Fishing enclosure.
The alert association, however, for the “fact that this new limitation be complex management”, because it relies on a “substantial increase in the biomass of sardines available.”
“We recognize the need to continue with a balanced and intelligent management of the sardine resource, and that one should take in 2016 a position to maintain the caution and prudence in relation to the level that can capture, but also meets the our legitimate aspirations could slightly increase fishing opportunities in 2016, “he stresses.
The National Association of Purse Seine fishing Producer Organisations will be received on 02 September by Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Asuncion Ridges, to discuss the Sardine fishing opportunities for 2016.
Producer organizations want to see clarified “all doubts about the future of this fishery, in particular, in that the fishing opportunities for 2016 concerns “.
The owners and crew will receive financial compensation for the ban on sardine fishing, which in the case of fishermen can go up to 27 euros per day, according to the decree published in the Official Gazette.
In July, the opinion of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES, in the English acronym) recommended that the total allowable catch (TAC) of sardines in Iberian waters should be limited to 1,587 tons in 2016. This figure is about one-tenth permitted this year, already considered insufficient by the fishermen.
On Friday, the Portuguese Government considered that the scientific opinion on harvesting sardines “has an underlying problem methodology” and ” raises major doubts “
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