Thursday, September 3, 2015

Alimony. Parents required to pay up to 25 years – Daily News – Lisbon

From October 1, the children of divorce will now receive maintenance payments up to 25 years, provided that they continue studying or attending any vocational training. But the argument is not the economic crisis or difficulty of emancipation, which in Spain requires parents separated to give pensions to young adults 30 years. It is an amendment to legislation which aims to give more security to the children of separated couples students, which to date had to ask the court to the parent paying them to provide food after they reach 18 years. But many did not.

“It is understood that holds for after age, and until the child reaches 25 years of age, the pension determined on their behalf during the minority”, reads the new law, published on Tuesday in the Official Gazette. The same does not apply “if the respective professional education or training process is completed before that date, if it is freely suspended or if, in any case, the obligation to provide food proof of unreasonableness of their demands.”

Read more in the printed edition or e-paper DN


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