Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What age do you think seems to have? Dare … – PT Journal


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It’s called “How Old ‘, and by sending a photo, the site reads the facial contours and determines what your age.

Microsoft has released a very curious site. In its submission, he guesses your age, or rather the apparent age you have.

Using a facial recognition API, it determines what age we would, depending on the photo. We tested several photos and the results were not uniform, always giving a good numbers above.

This is just a small Microsoft test that was sent to some users in order to get feedback and understand the curiosity of people.

“We sent emails to a group of people, asking them to test the page for a few minutes and give us feedback,” said Corom Thompson, a Microsoft engineer on the page itself.

Apparently, the number of ‘curious’ to wonder what age seems to have is much higher than expected by site creators. And you have no curiosity? Surprise yourself

According to the same, was not expected the influx of so many people on the page, because it is a test page:. “Within hours, we had over 35,000 people to enter the page. “


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